Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bait and Switch Tactics

Why does it seem that every Christian organization participates in bait and switch tactics? "Come to our Thanksgiving dinner!" "Homeless, come get your free meal!" "Hey hungry college student, come get some free pizza..." Why can't we as Christians just offer something without expecting to gain something in return? We talk about relational giving and being Christ to people. Why does this mean that when we have people over for dinner, we line up a speaker?

I for one am tired of it. I want to attend a pastor's breakfast without a sermon and the many pats on the back for those putting on the show. It would be great if we could invite our Christian and non-Christian friends over just to talk and share a meal. No agendas, no three points and eight poems; just good food, laughs, stories, and friendship that opens up true dialogue.

When this happens, what does this do to evangelism and discipleship?

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